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发布时间: 2021-08-08 12:36:44


Double-decker buses are in common use throughout the United Kingdom, and have been favoured over articulated buses
by many operators because of the shorter length of double-deckers and
larger amount of seating capacity; they also may be safer to operate
through the narrow streets and tight corners common in Britain. The
majority of double-decker buses in the UK are between 9.5 metres (31 ft
2 in) and 11.1 metres (36 ft 5 in) long, the latter being more common
since the mid-1990s, though there are three-axle
12-metre (39-foot-4-inch) models in service with some operators.
Double-decker coaches in the UK have traditionally been 12.0 metres
(39 feet 4 inches) in length, though many newer models are about 13.75
metres (45 ft 1 in). The maximum permissible length of a rigid
double-decker bus and coach in the UK is 15.0 metres (49 ft 3 in), and
although there are no theoretical restrictions on height, coaches are
normally built to 4.38 metres (14 ft 4 in) high, while 'highbridge'
buses are normally about 20 centimetres (8 in) taller. Articulated double-deckers are also allowed at a maximum length of 18.75 metres (61 ft 6 in).


伦敦的红色双层巴士绝对是这个城市的一个象征,而其中最具代表的形象,就是AEC Routemaster巴士了(简称RM巴士)。Routemaster是为了替代当时的有轨电车专为伦敦设计的,该系列的第一辆原型车——RM1 于1954年上路,它采用了传统的底盘设计,前置发动机,驾驶室在发动机右侧。1958年RM投入批量生产,此后进行了多次改进,并发展出RML长体等多种改型车,到1968年RM系列停产,共制造了2876辆。几十年来,红色的RM巴士穿梭于伦敦的大街小巷,逐渐被世界各地的人们所认识和喜爱,成了伦敦的一个象征。


伦敦地铁(London Underground,1863年1月10日—)是英国伦敦的城市轨道交通系统。地铁车辆在伦敦市中心是地底运行的,而郊区则在地面运行,其中地面运行线路占55%。伦敦地铁在英语中常被昵称为The Tube(管子),名称来源於车辆在像管道一样的圆形隧道里行驶。


London Underground (London Underground, 1863 Nian 1 Yue 10 -) is a London-based urban rail transport system. Metro vehicles in central London is the underground operation, while suburbs in the ground operation, which accounted for 55% of the ground to run lines. London Underground in English is often nicknamed The Tube (pipe), the name comes from the same vehicle as the pipeline circular tunnel driving.

Today, total length of 408 kilometers have been built in London's subway network, of which 160 kilometers underground, a total of 12 routes, a total of 275 active stations, the average daily patronage of 267 million people in 2004-05 the total annual passenger trips for the 900 million 76 million.

2003, London Underground as part of London, Department of Transportation, the company also operating in the city buses (including London's famous red double-decker buses) and the London Overground Rail system.


英国首都伦敦著名的红色双层公交车(Routemaster)在9日功成身退。近半个世纪以来,红色双层公交车就像大笨钟(Big Ben)一样,让人想到伦敦。红色双层公交车自1956年上路以来,一直深受游客及本地人的喜爱。但如今它们已成为昂贵的古董,从1980年代以来便逐渐凋零。

最后一辆红色双层公交车(159路) 9日中午将从牛津大街开往伦敦南部的布利克斯顿(Brixton)车库,宣告一个时代的结束。8日当天,159路公交车行驶的路段上就聚集了大批业余摄影爱好者,希望能抓住它最后的身影。

红色双层公交车上有售票员、拉绳车铃、尾部还有让乘客能够在车辆行驶中上下车的平台,是许多人心中无可替代的经典公交车。《我们所爱的公交车》一书作者艾伯劳(Travis Elborough)表示:“它是专为伦敦而诞生。……大家对这些公交车的感情非比寻常。”





A double-decker bus is a bus that has two storeys or decks. Double-decker buses are used for mass transport in the United Kingdom, the most iconic example being the red London bus as shown in the picture.

I like it because it looks very nice. I believe it is good to ride on the street in London. l can imagine to look at scenes when you sit at the up decker.

So l like it very much.


红色双层巴士第一次驶入伦敦是1954年。当时,它有个响亮的名字叫“路主”。路主替代了在伦敦已经使用多年的电车。它采用传统底盘、前置发动机,驾驶室在发动机右侧,底层车厢尾部完全开放。 英国媒体曾将路主称为“未来的公交车”。在那个时期,路主被认为有着轻巧的身形和革命性的设计。至于为何选择红色为车身颜色,没有人能真正解释清楚,也许只是为了给灰蒙蒙的雾都伦敦增添一抹亮色。 伦敦市是有着悠久历史的城市,很多街道十分狭窄、拥挤,当时的有轨电车妨碍其他交通的弊端愈发明显。伦敦市政府推出双层巴士后,很好地解决了伦敦拥挤的道路交通问题。统计显示,在1956年~1968年间,共有2760辆双层巴士投入使用。



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